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| class Record(BaseRecord, _header.HeaderMixin, _signal.SignalMixin): """ The class representing single segment WFDB records. Record objects can be created using the initializer, by reading a WFDB header with `rdheader`, or a WFDB record (header and associated dat files) with `rdrecord`. The attributes of the Record object give information about the record as specified by: https://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wag/header-5.htm In addition, the d_signal and p_signal attributes store the digital and physical signals of WFDB records with at least one channel. Attributes ---------- p_signal : ndarray, optional An (MxN) 2d numpy array, where M is the signal length. Gives the physical signal values intended to be written. Either p_signal or d_signal must be set, but not both. If p_signal is set, this method will use it to perform analogue-digital conversion, writing the resultant digital values to the dat file(s). If fmt is set, gain and baseline must be set or unset together. If fmt is unset, gain and baseline must both be unset. d_signal : ndarray, optional An (MxN) 2d numpy array, where M is the signal length. Gives the digital signal values intended to be directly written to the dat file(s). The dtype must be an integer type. Either p_signal or d_signal must be set, but not both. In addition, if d_signal is set, fmt, gain and baseline must also all be set. p_signal : ndarray, optional The expanded physical conversion of the signal. Either a 2d numpy array or a list of 1d numpy arrays. e_d_signal : ndarray, optional The expanded digital conversion of the signal. Either a 2d numpy array or a list of 1d numpy arrays. record_name : str, optional The name of the WFDB record to be read, without any file extensions. If the argument contains any path delimiter characters, the argument will be interpreted as PATH/BASE_RECORD. Both relative and absolute paths are accepted. If the `pn_dir` parameter is set, this parameter should contain just the base record name, and the files fill be searched for remotely. Otherwise, the data files will be searched for in the local path. n_sig : int, optional Total number of signals. fs : float, optional The sampling frequency of the record. counter_freq : float, optional The frequency used to start counting. base_counter : float, optional The counter used at the start of the file. sig_len : int, optional The total length of the signal. base_time : str, optional A string of the record's start time in 24h 'HH:MM:SS(.ms)' format. base_date : str, optional A string of the record's start date in 'DD/MM/YYYY' format. file_name : str, optional The name of the file used for analysis. fmt : list, optional A list of strings giving the WFDB format of each file used to store each channel. Accepted formats are: '80','212",'16','24', and '32'. There are other WFDB formats as specified by: https://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wag/signal-5.htm but this library will not write (though it will read) those file types. samps_per_frame : int, optional The total number of samples per frame. skew : float, optional The offset used to allign signals. byte_offset : int, optional The byte offset used to allign signals. adc_gain : list, optional A list of numbers specifying the ADC gain. baseline : list, optional A list of integers specifying the digital baseline. units : list, optional A list of strings giving the units of each signal channel. adc_res: int, optional The value produced by the ADC given a given Volt input. adc_zero: int, optional The value produced by the ADC given a 0 Volt input. init_value : list, optional The initial value of the signal. checksum : list, int, optional The checksum of the signal. block_size : str, optional The dimensions of the field data. sig_name : list, optional A list of strings giving the signal name of each signal channel. comments : list, optional A list of string comments to be written to the header file. Examples -------- >>> record = wfdb.Record(record_name='r1', fs=250, n_sig=2, sig_len=1000, file_name=['r1.dat','r1.dat']) """ def __init__(self, p_signal=None, d_signal=None, e_p_signal=None, e_d_signal=None, record_name=None, n_sig=None, fs=None, counter_freq=None, base_counter=None, sig_len=None, base_time=None, base_date=None, file_name=None, fmt=None, samps_per_frame=None, skew=None, byte_offset=None, adc_gain=None, baseline=None, units=None, adc_res=None, adc_zero=None, init_value=None, checksum=None, block_size=None, sig_name=None, comments=None):
super(Record, self).__init__(record_name, n_sig, fs, counter_freq, base_counter, sig_len, base_time, base_date, comments, sig_name)
self.p_signal = p_signal self.d_signal = d_signal self.e_p_signal = e_p_signal self.e_d_signal = e_d_signal
self.file_name = file_name self.fmt = fmt self.samps_per_frame = samps_per_frame self.skew = skew self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.adc_gain = adc_gain self.baseline = baseline self.units = units self.adc_res = adc_res self.adc_zero = adc_zero self.init_value = init_value self.checksum = checksum self.block_size = block_size
def __eq__(self, other, verbose=False): """ Equal comparison operator for objects of this type. Parameters ---------- other : object The object that is being compared to self. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print details about equality (True) or not (False). Returns ------- bool Determines if the objects are equal (True) or not equal (False). """ att1 = self.__dict__ att2 = other.__dict__
if set(att1.keys()) != set(att2.keys()): if verbose: print('Attributes members mismatch.') return False
for k in att1.keys():
v1 = att1[k] v2 = att2[k]
if type(v1) != type(v2): if verbose: print('Mismatch in attribute: %s' % k, v1, v2) return False
if type(v1) == np.ndarray: np.testing.assert_array_equal(v1, v2) else: if v1 != v2: if verbose: print('Mismatch in attribute: %s' % k, v1, v2) return False
return True
def wrsamp(self, expanded=False, write_dir=''): """ Write a WFDB header file and any associated dat files from this object. Parameters ---------- expanded : bool, optional Whether to write the expanded signal (e_d_signal) instead of the uniform signal (d_signal). write_dir : str, optional The directory in which to write the files. Returns ------- N/A """ self.wrheader(write_dir=write_dir) if self.n_sig > 0: self.wr_dats(expanded=expanded, write_dir=write_dir)
def _arrange_fields(self, channels, sampfrom=0, expanded=False): """ Arrange/edit object fields to reflect user channel and/or signal range input. Parameters ---------- channels : list List of channel numbers specified. sampfrom : int, optional Starting sample number read. expanded : bool, optional Whether the record was read in expanded mode. Returns ------- N/A """ for field in _header.SIGNAL_SPECS.index: item = getattr(self, field) setattr(self, field, [item[c] for c in channels])
if expanded: if self.sig_len != int(len(self.e_d_signal[0]) / self.samps_per_frame[0]): self.checksum = self.calc_checksum(expanded) self.init_value = [s[0] for s in self.e_d_signal]
self.n_sig = len(channels) self.sig_len = int(len(self.e_d_signal[0]) / self.samps_per_frame[0])
else: if self.sig_len != self.d_signal.shape[0]:
if self.checksum is not None: self.checksum = self.calc_checksum() if self.init_value is not None: ival = list(self.d_signal[0, :]) self.init_value = [int(i) for i in ival]
self.n_sig = len(channels) self.sig_len = self.d_signal.shape[0]